import pandas
df_hist = pandas.read_excel("soda_sales_historical_data.xlsx")
df_hist[df_hist["Product"]=="11 Down"]
from pandas import DataFrame, get_dummies
categorical_columns = ['Product','Easter Included','Super Bowl Included',
'Christmas Included', 'Other Holiday']
df_hist = get_dummies(df_hist, prefix={k:"dmy_%s"%k for k in categorical_columns},
columns = list(categorical_columns))
Sales | Cost Per Unit | 4 Wk Avg Temp | 4 Wk Avg Humidity | Sales M-1 weeks | Sales M-2 weeks | Sales M-3 weeks | Sales M-4 Weeks | Sales M-5 weeks | dmy_Product_11 Down | ... | dmy_Product_Koala Kola | dmy_Product_Mr. Popper | dmy_Product_Popsi Kola | dmy_Easter Included_No | dmy_Easter Included_Yes | dmy_Super Bowl Included_No | dmy_Super Bowl Included_Yes | dmy_Christmas Included_No | dmy_Christmas Included_Yes | dmy_Other Holiday_No | |
0 | 51.9 | 1.6625 | 80.69 | 69.19 | 17.0 | 22.4 | 13.5 | 14.5 | 28.0 | 1 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 55.8 | 2.2725 | 80.69 | 69.19 | 2.4 | 2.2 | 2.0 | 1.4 | 0.5 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 3385.6 | 1.3475 | 80.69 | 69.19 | 301.8 | 188.8 | 101.4 | 81.6 | 213.8 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
3 | 63.5 | 1.6600 | 80.69 | 69.19 | 73.8 | 69.4 | 72.8 | 75.4 | 57.4 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
4 | 181.1 | 1.8725 | 80.69 | 69.19 | 23.1 | 22.6 | 22.1 | 19.9 | 23.2 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
5 rows × 25 columns
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingRegressor
from sklearn import model_selection
experiments = {"Algorithm":["Ordinary Least Squares", "Regression Tree",
"Big Random Forest", "Random Forest",
"Objects" : [lambda : LinearRegression(),
lambda : DecisionTreeRegressor(),
lambda : RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100),
lambda : RandomForestRegressor(),
lambda : BaggingRegressor()],
"Predictions":[[] for _ in range(5)]}
actuals = []
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
for _ in range (4):
train_X, test_X, train_y, test_y = (
train_test_split(df_hist.drop("Sales", axis=1),
df_hist["Sales"], test_size=0.25))
for i, obj_factory in enumerate(experiments["Objects"]):
obj = obj_factory(),X=train_X)
experiments["Predictions"][i] += list(obj.predict(test_X))
actuals += list(test_y)
actuals = pandas.Series(actuals)
experiments["Predictions"] = list(map(pandas.Series, experiments["Predictions"]))
experiments["Results"] = []
for o in experiments["Objects"]:
model_selection.cross_val_score(o(), y=df_hist['Sales'],
X=df_hist.drop("Sales", axis=1),
DataFrame(experiments).drop(["Objects", "Predictions"],
fitted = (experiments["Objects"]
[experiments["Algorithm"].index("Big Random Forest")]().
fit(y=df_hist["Sales"], X=df_hist.drop("Sales", axis=1)))
df_superbowl_original = pandas.read_excel("super_bowl_promotion_data.xlsx")
df_superbowl = get_dummies(df_superbowl_original,
prefix={k:"dmy_%s"%k for k in categorical_columns},
columns = list(categorical_columns))
assert "Sales" not in df_superbowl.columns
assert {"Sales"}.union(df_superbowl.columns).issubset(set(df_hist.columns))
for fld in set(df_hist.columns).difference(df_superbowl.columns, {"Sales"}):
assert fld.startswith("dmy_")
df_superbowl[fld] = 0
df_superbowl = df_superbowl[list(df_hist.drop("Sales", axis=1).columns)]
predicted = fitted.predict(df_superbowl)
from __future__ import print_function
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp as cp
soda_family = {'11 Down': 'Clear', 'AB Root Beer': 'Dark',
'Alpine Stream': 'Clear', 'Bright': 'Clear',
'Crisp Clear': 'Clear', 'DC Kola': 'Dark',
'Koala Kola': 'Dark', 'Mr. Popper': 'Dark',
'Popsi Kola': 'Dark'}
family = set(soda_family[j] for j in soda_family)
soda = set(j for j in soda_family)
max_prom = {f:2 for f in family}
product_prices = set(forecast_sales.index.values)
normal_price = {b:0 for b in soda}
for b,p in product_prices:
normal_price[b] = max(normal_price[b],p)
forecast_sales = df_superbowl_original[["Product", "Cost Per Unit"]].copy()
forecast_sales["Sales"] = predicted
forecast_sales = forecast_sales.groupby(['Product','Cost Per Unit']).mean()
normal_price_2 = dict(forecast_sales.reset_index()[["Product","Cost Per Unit"]].groupby("Product").max()["Cost Per Unit"])
maxer = forecast_sales.reset_index().groupby("Product").max()
## This is to get the sales value of the max cost
maxer["Sales"] = forecast_sales[forecast_sales.index.isin(maxer.reset_index().set_index(["Product","Cost Per Unit"]).index)]["Sales"].values
Cost Per Unit | Sales | |
Product | ||
11 Down | 1.5600 | 173.626 |
AB Root Beer | 3.8425 | 376.175 |
Alpine Stream | 2.2275 | 156.269 |
Bright | 1.2900 | 2656.430 |
Crisp Clear | 1.4700 | 140.921 |
DC Kola | 1.9325 | 501.308 |
Koala Kola | 2.5650 | 1423.454 |
Mr. Popper | 2.9850 | 38.421 |
Popsi Kola | 1.7500 | 145.957 |
import pandas as pd
forecast_sales_r =forecast_sales.reset_index()
bat = pd.DataFrame()
for product in maxer.index:
rat = forecast_sales_r[forecast_sales_r["Product"]==product]["Cost Per Unit"]-maxer.loc[product,"Cost Per Unit"]
rat = rat.to_frame()
bat = pd.concat((bat,rat))
forecast_sales_r["marginal_investment"] = bat.values
import pandas as pd
bat = pd.DataFrame()
for product in maxer.index:
rat = forecast_sales_r[forecast_sales_r["Product"]==product]["Sales"]-maxer.loc[product,"Sales"]
rat = rat.to_frame()
bat = pd.concat((bat,rat))
forecast_sales_r["extra_sales"] = bat.values
Product | Cost Per Unit | Sales | marginal_investment | extra_sales | |
0 | 11 Down | 1.4550 | 248.407 | -0.1050 | 74.781 |
1 | 11 Down | 1.5125 | 239.704 | -0.0475 | 66.078 |
2 | 11 Down | 1.5375 | 211.602 | -0.0225 | 37.976 |
3 | 11 Down | 1.5600 | 173.626 | 0.0000 | 0.000 |
4 | AB Root Beer | 3.7300 | 384.838 | -0.1125 | 8.663 |
5 | AB Root Beer | 3.7700 | 389.141 | -0.0725 | 12.966 |
6 | AB Root Beer | 3.8125 | 379.363 | -0.0300 | 3.188 |
7 | AB Root Beer | 3.8425 | 376.175 | 0.0000 | 0.000 |
8 | Alpine Stream | 1.9975 | 201.513 | -0.2300 | 45.244 |
9 | Alpine Stream | 2.1375 | 174.656 | -0.0900 | 18.387 |
10 | Alpine Stream | 2.1500 | 176.016 | -0.0775 | 19.747 |
11 | Alpine Stream | 2.2275 | 156.269 | 0.0000 | 0.000 |
12 | Bright | 1.2725 | 3790.724 | -0.0175 | 1134.294 |
13 | Bright | 1.2825 | 2802.034 | -0.0075 | 145.604 |
14 | Bright | 1.2900 | 2656.430 | 0.0000 | 0.000 |
15 | Crisp Clear | 1.3125 | 184.459 | -0.1575 | 43.538 |
16 | Crisp Clear | 1.3425 | 173.047 | -0.1275 | 32.126 |
17 | Crisp Clear | 1.4275 | 138.466 | -0.0425 | -2.455 |
18 | Crisp Clear | 1.4700 | 140.921 | 0.0000 | 0.000 |
19 | DC Kola | 1.8900 | 936.894 | -0.0425 | 435.586 |
20 | DC Kola | 1.9150 | 568.984 | -0.0175 | 67.676 |
21 | DC Kola | 1.9250 | 512.329 | -0.0075 | 11.021 |
22 | DC Kola | 1.9325 | 501.308 | 0.0000 | 0.000 |
23 | Koala Kola | 2.4825 | 1394.552 | -0.0825 | -28.902 |
24 | Koala Kola | 2.5350 | 1408.344 | -0.0300 | -15.110 |
25 | Koala Kola | 2.5600 | 1426.688 | -0.0050 | 3.234 |
26 | Koala Kola | 2.5650 | 1423.454 | 0.0000 | 0.000 |
27 | Mr. Popper | 2.8475 | 41.408 | -0.1375 | 2.987 |
28 | Mr. Popper | 2.8925 | 41.404 | -0.0925 | 2.983 |
29 | Mr. Popper | 2.8950 | 41.404 | -0.0900 | 2.983 |
30 | Mr. Popper | 2.9000 | 41.382 | -0.0850 | 2.961 |
31 | Mr. Popper | 2.9850 | 38.421 | 0.0000 | 0.000 |
32 | Popsi Kola | 1.6725 | 156.135 | -0.0775 | 10.178 |
33 | Popsi Kola | 1.7125 | 145.706 | -0.0375 | -0.251 |
34 | Popsi Kola | 1.7275 | 147.310 | -0.0225 | 1.353 |
35 | Popsi Kola | 1.7500 | 145.957 | 0.0000 | 0.000 |
for j in range(num_tasks):
## This in effect sets constraints on the domain
t.append(solver.IntVar(0, 1, "x[%i,%i]" % (i, j)))
forecast_sales = forecast_sales.reset_index()
Product | Cost Per Unit | Sales | net_margin | |
0 | 11 Down | 1.4550 | 248.407 | 0 |
1 | 11 Down | 1.5125 | 239.704 | 0 |
2 | 11 Down | 1.5375 | 211.602 | 0 |
3 | 11 Down | 1.5600 | 173.626 | 0 |
4 | AB Root Beer | 3.7300 | 384.838 | 0 |
5 | AB Root Beer | 3.7700 | 389.141 | 0 |
6 | AB Root Beer | 3.8125 | 379.363 | 0 |
7 | AB Root Beer | 3.8425 | 376.175 | 0 |
8 | Alpine Stream | 1.9975 | 201.513 | 0 |
9 | Alpine Stream | 2.1375 | 174.656 | 0 |
10 | Alpine Stream | 2.1500 | 176.016 | 0 |
11 | Alpine Stream | 2.2275 | 156.269 | 0 |
12 | Bright | 1.2725 | 3790.724 | 0 |
13 | Bright | 1.2825 | 2802.034 | 0 |
14 | Bright | 1.2900 | 2656.430 | 0 |
15 | Crisp Clear | 1.3125 | 184.459 | 0 |
16 | Crisp Clear | 1.3425 | 173.047 | 0 |
17 | Crisp Clear | 1.4275 | 138.466 | 0 |
18 | Crisp Clear | 1.4700 | 140.921 | 0 |
19 | DC Kola | 1.8900 | 936.894 | 0 |
20 | DC Kola | 1.9150 | 568.984 | 0 |
21 | DC Kola | 1.9250 | 512.329 | 0 |
22 | DC Kola | 1.9325 | 501.308 | 0 |
23 | Koala Kola | 2.4825 | 1394.552 | 0 |
24 | Koala Kola | 2.5350 | 1408.344 | 0 |
25 | Koala Kola | 2.5600 | 1426.688 | 0 |
26 | Koala Kola | 2.5650 | 1423.454 | 0 |
27 | Mr. Popper | 2.8475 | 41.408 | 0 |
28 | Mr. Popper | 2.8925 | 41.404 | 0 |
29 | Mr. Popper | 2.8950 | 41.404 | 0 |
30 | Mr. Popper | 2.9000 | 41.382 | 0 |
31 | Mr. Popper | 2.9850 | 38.421 | 0 |
32 | Popsi Kola | 1.6725 | 156.135 | 0 |
33 | Popsi Kola | 1.7125 | 145.706 | 0 |
34 | Popsi Kola | 1.7275 | 147.310 | 0 |
35 | Popsi Kola | 1.7500 | 145.957 | 0 |
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp as cp
solver = cp.Solver("nothing_fancy")
x_array = []
"""x_array["Product", "Price"]"""
x_product = []
for i, product in enumerate(forecast_sales_r.drop_duplicates("Product")["Product"].values):
t = []
for j, price in enumerate(forecast_sales_r[forecast_sales_r["Product"]==product]["Product"].values):
## This in effect sets constraints on the domain
t.append(solver.IntVar(0, 1, "x[%i,%i]" % (i, j)))
## More Specific Keys
x_array = []
"""x_array["Product", "Price"]"""
x_product = []
for i, product in enumerate(forecast_sales_r.drop_duplicates("Product")["Product"].values):
t = []
for j, price in enumerate(forecast_sales_r[forecast_sales_r["Product"]==product]["Cost Per Unit"].values):
## This in effect sets constraints on the domain
t.append(solver.IntVar(0, 1, "x[%s,%s]" % (product, price)))
x_array.extend(t) ## produces a flat array
[[x[11 Down,1.455](0 .. 1),
x[11 Down,1.5125](0 .. 1),
x[11 Down,1.5375](0 .. 1),
x[11 Down,1.56](0 .. 1)],
[x[AB Root Beer,3.73](0 .. 1),
x[AB Root Beer,3.77](0 .. 1),
x[AB Root Beer,3.8125](0 .. 1),
x[AB Root Beer,3.8425](0 .. 1)],
[x[Alpine Stream,1.9975](0 .. 1),
x[Alpine Stream,2.1375](0 .. 1),
x[Alpine Stream,2.15](0 .. 1),
x[Alpine Stream,2.2275](0 .. 1)],
[x[Bright,1.2725](0 .. 1), x[Bright,1.2825](0 .. 1), x[Bright,1.29](0 .. 1)],
[x[Crisp Clear,1.3125](0 .. 1),
x[Crisp Clear,1.3425](0 .. 1),
x[Crisp Clear,1.4275](0 .. 1),
x[Crisp Clear,1.47](0 .. 1)],
[x[DC Kola,1.89](0 .. 1),
x[DC Kola,1.915](0 .. 1),
x[DC Kola,1.925](0 .. 1),
x[DC Kola,1.9325](0 .. 1)],
[x[Koala Kola,2.4825](0 .. 1),
x[Koala Kola,2.535](0 .. 1),
x[Koala Kola,2.56](0 .. 1),
x[Koala Kola,2.565](0 .. 1)],
[x[Mr. Popper,2.8475](0 .. 1),
x[Mr. Popper,2.8925](0 .. 1),
x[Mr. Popper,2.895](0 .. 1),
x[Mr. Popper,2.9](0 .. 1),
x[Mr. Popper,2.985](0 .. 1)],
[x[Popsi Kola,1.6725](0 .. 1),
x[Popsi Kola,1.7125](0 .. 1),
x[Popsi Kola,1.7275](0 .. 1),
x[Popsi Kola,1.75](0 .. 1)]]
forecast_sales_r["Extra Sales Dollars"] = forecast_sales_r["Cost Per Unit"]*forecast_sales_r["extra_sales"]
forecast_sales_r["Investment Dollars"] = forecast_sales_r["marginal_investment"]*forecast_sales_r["Sales"]
## I would change it to say largest sales dollars increase
## and then compare that against the investment
## UNFORTUNATTELY - I Turned this into a knapsack problem
forecast_sales_r["Investment Dollars"] = forecast_sales_r["Investment Dollars"].abs()
Product | Cost Per Unit | Sales | marginal_investment | extra_sales | Extra Sales Dollars | Investment Dollars | |
0 | 11 Down | 1.4550 | 248.407 | -0.1050 | 74.781 | 108.806355 | 26.082735 |
1 | 11 Down | 1.5125 | 239.704 | -0.0475 | 66.078 | 99.942975 | 11.385940 |
2 | 11 Down | 1.5375 | 211.602 | -0.0225 | 37.976 | 58.388100 | 4.761045 |
3 | 11 Down | 1.5600 | 173.626 | 0.0000 | 0.000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
4 | AB Root Beer | 3.7300 | 384.838 | -0.1125 | 8.663 | 32.312990 | 43.294275 |
weights = []
weight_1 = list(forecast_sales_r["Investment Dollars"].values)
capacities = [350]
values = list(forecast_sales_r["Extra Sales Dollars"].values)
from ortools.algorithms import pywrapknapsack_solver
# Create the solver.
solver = pywrapknapsack_solver.KnapsackSolver(
solver.Init(values, weights, capacities)
computed_value = solver.Solve()
packed_items = [x for x in range(0, len(weights[0]))
if solver.BestSolutionContains(x)]
packed_weights = [weights[0][i] for i in packed_items]
print("Packed items: ", packed_items)
print("Packed weights: ", packed_weights)
print("Total weight (same as total value): ", computed_value)
Packed items: [0, 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34]
Packed weights: [26.082735000000014, 11.385940000000028, 4.761044999999996, 28.212722499999938, 46.34799000000006, 15.71903999999999, 13.641240000000034, 66.33767000000027, 21.01525500000017, 29.052292500000004, 22.0634925, 39.817995000000145, 9.957220000000047, 3.842467500000032, 5.693599999999984, 3.829869999999989, 3.7263599999999912, 3.517469999999996, 3.314474999999995]
Total weight (same as total value): 3220
packed_items = [x for x in range(0, len(weights[0]))
if solver.BestSolutionContains(x)]
## This dataframe is the best selection, using the knapsack problem.
## Different costs differnt values
## The knapsack problem does appear i a lot of places
Product | Cost Per Unit | Sales | marginal_investment | extra_sales | Extra Sales Dollars | Investment Dollars | |
0 | 11 Down | 1.4550 | 248.407 | -0.1050 | 74.781 | 108.806355 | 26.082735 |
1 | 11 Down | 1.5125 | 239.704 | -0.0475 | 66.078 | 99.942975 | 11.385940 |
2 | 11 Down | 1.5375 | 211.602 | -0.0225 | 37.976 | 58.388100 | 4.761045 |
5 | AB Root Beer | 3.7700 | 389.141 | -0.0725 | 12.966 | 48.881820 | 28.212722 |
8 | Alpine Stream | 1.9975 | 201.513 | -0.2300 | 45.244 | 90.374890 | 46.347990 |
9 | Alpine Stream | 2.1375 | 174.656 | -0.0900 | 18.387 | 39.302213 | 15.719040 |
10 | Alpine Stream | 2.1500 | 176.016 | -0.0775 | 19.747 | 42.456050 | 13.641240 |
12 | Bright | 1.2725 | 3790.724 | -0.0175 | 1134.294 | 1443.389115 | 66.337670 |
13 | Bright | 1.2825 | 2802.034 | -0.0075 | 145.604 | 186.737130 | 21.015255 |
15 | Crisp Clear | 1.3125 | 184.459 | -0.1575 | 43.538 | 57.143625 | 29.052293 |
16 | Crisp Clear | 1.3425 | 173.047 | -0.1275 | 32.126 | 43.129155 | 22.063492 |
19 | DC Kola | 1.8900 | 936.894 | -0.0425 | 435.586 | 823.257540 | 39.817995 |
20 | DC Kola | 1.9150 | 568.984 | -0.0175 | 67.676 | 129.599540 | 9.957220 |
21 | DC Kola | 1.9250 | 512.329 | -0.0075 | 11.021 | 21.215425 | 3.842468 |
27 | Mr. Popper | 2.8475 | 41.408 | -0.1375 | 2.987 | 8.505482 | 5.693600 |
28 | Mr. Popper | 2.8925 | 41.404 | -0.0925 | 2.983 | 8.628327 | 3.829870 |
29 | Mr. Popper | 2.8950 | 41.404 | -0.0900 | 2.983 | 8.635785 | 3.726360 |
30 | Mr. Popper | 2.9000 | 41.382 | -0.0850 | 2.961 | 8.586900 | 3.517470 |
34 | Popsi Kola | 1.7275 | 147.310 | -0.0225 | 1.353 | 2.337308 | 3.314475 |
[0, 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34]
total_cost = solver.IntVar(0, 300, "total_cost")
solver.Add(total_cost <= 300)
decision_builder = solver.Phase([x, y],
# Total cost
total_cost < solver.Sum(solver.ScalProd(x_array, forecast_sales_r["marginal_investment"].values)))
objective = solver.Minimize(total_cost, 1)
db = solver.Phase(x_array,
solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, # The VAR strategy
solver.ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE) # The Value strategy
# Create a solution collector.
collector = solver.LastSolutionCollector()
# Add decision variables
for i in range(num_workers):
NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-126-c28e31bfa220> in <module>()
1 # Total cost
2 solver.Add(
----> 3 total_cost < solver.Sum(solver.ScalProd(x_array, forecast_sales_r["marginal_investment"].values)))
4 objective = solver.Minimize(total_cost, 1)
5 db = solver.Phase(x_array,
~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ortools/constraint_solver/ in ScalProd(self, *args)
394 def ScalProd(self, *args) -> "operations_research::IntExpr *":
--> 395 return _pywrapcp.Solver_ScalProd(self, *args)
397 def MonotonicElement(self, values: 'operations_research::Solver::IndexEvaluator1', increasing: 'bool', index: 'IntVar') -> "operations_research::IntExpr *":
NotImplementedError: Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'Solver_ScalProd'.
Possible C/C++ prototypes are:
operations_research::Solver::MakeScalProd(std::vector< operations_research::IntVar *,std::allocator< operations_research::IntVar * > > const &,std::vector< int64,std::allocator< int64 > > const &)
operations_research::Solver::MakeScalProd(std::vector< operations_research::IntVar *,std::allocator< operations_research::IntVar * > > const &,std::vector< int,std::allocator< int > > const &)
# Total cost
total_cost == solver.Sum( [solver.ScalProd(x_row, cost_row) for (x_row, cost_row) in zip(x_array, forecast_sales_r["marginal_investment"].values)]))
objective = solver.Minimize(total_cost, 1)
db = solver.Phase(x_array,
solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, # The VAR strategy
solver.ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE) # The Value strategy
# Create a solution collector.
collector = solver.LastSolutionCollector()
# Add decision variables
for i in range(num_workers):
## I only want to do two promotions for easy soda category
## for now I will just ignore this constraint,
## one soda onl once - true
{'Clear': 2, 'Dark': 2}
for code, price, ranger in zip([ra[0] for ra in list(product_prices)],[ra[1] for ra in list(product_prices)],range(len([ra[1] for ra in list(product_prices)]))):
print(code, price)
select_price[code, ranger] = solver.IntVar(ub=price, lb=price, name='X')